May 2020 / Novel Covid delivery solution


Stash is a public locker and delivery platform for urban dwellers, particularly small businesses with demands for fast and reliable delivery within the city and tourists who needs temporary safe spaces to keep their items.
Skills Involved

UI Design
3D Design

Softwares used

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
InVision Studio

Problem Definition

It all started when we were looking to send a self-wrapped gift to a friend who lived an hour away in the same city. We realized there were no good ways to deliver the gift reliably on time other than FedEx or USPS, which would take approximately 2 to 3 days to arrive even though it is only an hour away.

I believe there is a way to integrate ride-sharing services with item delivery in a swift and safe manner.


To clarify demands for the services and discover weaknesses as well as potential improvements, interviews were conducted with ten people. Since the project began when the CoVid-19 lockdown started, the interviews were conducted online via video calls, thus limiting the full power of in-person interviews.


The interviews revealed important insights into pain points which were suggestive of potential improvements. Key components of these insights were summarized into three main points:

9 out of 10 people wish there were safe and easily-accessible public storage while traveling.
7 out of 10 wish there was a ride-sharing service but for goods.
5 out of 10 were skeptical of entrusting important articles with strangers.

These key points lead to a list of solutions addressing each point including a public locker system throughout the city, an app integration which enables item delivery, and a clear method to give protection priority to important items.

User Personas

User personas were then created, synthesizing the target market with two user profiles representing two different audiences for whom the service would be able to serve.

POV Statements

For each customer, a Point-of-view statement was created to capture the target audience's pain points and their needs. These statements tell the users' stories while suggesting possible solutions to their pain points.

Shane is a 37-year-old owner of a small business. He frequently sends and receive items from customers and needs a fast and secure way to deliver products to local customers at a moment’s notice, while keeping the pricing affordable and easily accessible.

Austen is a 25-year-old medical student. She frequently do backpack travels and needs a convenient yet secure way to keep her personal belongings while being out in public. She also needs the pricing to be affordable and easily accessible.

User Journey

The user journey map marks out every step of the users' current course of action from start to finish in order to accomplish the task in question. Major pain points, as well as the users' thoughts and feelings are reflected on the journey map.

How Might We's?

  • Simplify the delivery process for city dwellers?
  • Design a storage space that makes you feel safe to use?
  • Make pickup experiences as easy as cake?
  • Make you feel safe leaving important items with us?
  • Help tourists have more freedom to explore a new city?

Design Solutions

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because

User Flow

But I must explain to you


Screen Designs

Locker Design


Product Story

Once upon a time there was Shane, a small business owner. Every day Shane would make small delivery trips around town in order to minimize cost. One day he found a yellow locker from Stash. Because of that, he started using the lockers to have his products delivered. Thus, Shane saved time and effort which he used to increase productivity at his shop. Until finally he no longer has to make deliveries on his own anymore.


  • Creating Stash has been fascinating. Today, we have all kinds of ways to get us from one place to another. We can call up a ride-sharing service, take a bus, get on a train, buy a plane tickets, basically anything your heart desires. Yet, we don’t really have a way to get our stuffs from point A to point B efficiently except using the post office or make the trip ourselves.  So I thought: why not fuse Uber or Lyft with items delivery?
  • In order to accommodate a proper interview, both sides have to set aside time to give and record answers. Also, the best thing about an interview is seeing the subject’s emotional/physical reactions to the questions in real time. However, during this time of social distancing, we are losing out on that aspect. Aside from interviewing subjects face-to-face, I completely forgot that we many other research tools available to glean insights from such as surveys. To make up for the lack of physical presence, surveys can more than making do with their abundance of answers.
  • What I enjoy the most is talking with the users. I think empathizing is harder than it sounds; I enjoy the moment when the person lets me understand through their perspective what they want, what they need, what they are struggling with. That's what makes me love being a UX/UI designer.